Jim Bridger

Jim Bridger is Born: March 17, 1804

Mountain man Jim Bridger was born on this date.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Expedition Stamp

Meriwether Lewis Arrives Back in St. Louis as Governor: March 8, 1808

The hero of the Corps of Discovery arrived to take up his position as governor on this date in 1808, almost a full year after he'd been appointed to the role.

Treaty of Fontainebleau

On November 13, 1762, Spain gained the Louisiana Territory from France in the Treaty of Fontainebleau. 

Kansas City Missouri

August 13, 1801

On this date the “Mother of Kansas City” was born. Bernice Therese Menard Chouteau and her husband Francois Chouteau came from St. Louis to establish a trading post in 1821. They were the first white settlers in what is now Kansas City.

June 10, 1804

Lewis and Clark spent this day walking the prairies of central Missouri. They wrote of being impressed with the combination of good soil, grass, and an abundance of wild fruit near present day New Cambridge.  

May 14, 1804

The Lewis and Clark Expedition (the Voyage of Discovery) left St. Louis to explore the unknown west.  

April 30, 1803

The treaty that authorized the Louisiana Purchase was signed on this date in Paris.